October 29, 2020
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Posted by: stonerrr at
07:31 AM
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Post contains 35 words, total size 7 kb.
October 27, 2020
我國的近視人數越來越多,很多兒童在年輕時就出ç¾äº†è¿‘視。在近視的影響下,眼ç›çš„功能é™ä½Žäº†ï¼Œç•¶ä½ 看到一些æ±è¥¿ï¼Œå®ƒæœƒè®Šå¾—éžå¸¸é²éˆï¼Œå¾žè€Œå½±éŸ¿ä½ çš„æ£å¸¸ç”Ÿæ´»ã€‚
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近視到底是怎麼回事?è¿‘è¦–çš„ä¸‰å¤§åŽŸå› ï¼Œä½ çŸ¥é“å—Ž?
Posted by: stonerrr at
07:39 AM
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Post contains 25 words, total size 8 kb.
October 16, 2020
Many novice stationmaster, when doing website, basically be in line with the principle of saving money, use space to do website. After all, a space is cheap, and it costs dozens of yuan a year. Many IDC suppliers can be found on Taobao, and more than a dozen Hong Kong spaces can be found every year.
As a webmaster, we should know that the cheaper the price of space or VPS is, the worse the access performance of the website is. The visit speed of the website is closely related to the amount of space allocated to us and the access speed of database. The more website content, the better the server performance and bandwidth.
So generally speaking, the access speed of the space or VPS that we buy at a low price is basically average. Sometimes, we don't want to think about it. Often the website may be very slow, good or bad.
Originally, in terms of the previous Google search algorithm, the website opening speed is a little slower. In fact, it does not have a great impact on the website keyword ranking. At most, the user thinks that your website is slow to open, and it will be closed directly when the website is not opened.
So even a redesigned site will be affected by previous problems. In this regard, you can carefully check whether there is a bad record before purchasing, and compare it with different search engines to see if there is a problem. Problem: the quality of the website will directly affect the stability of visit speed and performance.adoptè°·æŒæŽ’å优化Services help clients provide traffic and weight on their websites
But Google has come up with a thunderbolt algorithm, which formally stipulates the fixed standard value of website access speed, which means that the website access speed will officially enter the assessment scope of website operators.
Because today's users are more efficient, images and videos have an advantage over text in capturing key information. So when designing a website, you can choose to use pictures and videos instead of too many text descriptions, which can also make the website more beautiful. But be sure to optimize your pictures and videos. After all, the speed of website access is also important.
Google will give a certain degree of praise to the website with fast visit speed and give priority to the display. For the website with slow visit speed, it will give corresponding punishment, which does not exclude the situation of not giving ranking.
So when we do website operation now, it is very important to choose a server with good access speed.
Posted by: stonerrr at
04:54 AM
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